My favorite Halloween was when I was in kindergarten and I got to dress up as a angel, I was so excited and I felt so pretty with my fancy halo and my white robe and sparkly wings, every year in grade school we had a Halloween party and got to dress up, and this was my first year of course and I thought I was just the best dressed one there. The best costume I ever wore would probably be my eighth grade year when I was Lil Wayne, I wore skinny jeans I sagged them with my boxers hanging out, a hoodie a snapback and vans on. I had a wig that was dreads, and I silver grill, I also use eyeliner to draw on the tattoos he had on his face, I literally looked like the light skin version of him. It was perfect and everyone loved it. All the things I’ve ever dressed up as in the past is, and angel, little bow peep, Minnie mouse, a hippie, a cheerleader, little bow peep, a cat, pumpkin, go-go girl, Lil Wayne, and a roman goddess. The first one I ever was a cat when I was 3 my mom dressed me up as one, the last one was a roman goddess my freshman year I basically had a white sheet around me with roman sandals and a roman head thing, it was pretty basic but it worked. One thing I’ve always wanted to be is a ghost, it’s so cliché and that’s why I want to do it, I want to take a white sheet cut two holes in it for the eyes and wear it over my head, it would be so perfect. This year I’m going to be Minnie mouse AGAIN it will be a little bit different than when I was her in second grade, I’m so excited. I was contemplating being a mermaid but I decided Minnie was way cuter. I’m going to wear a red skirt, black shirt and mouse ears, my boyfriend is going to mickey, he is going to wear red skinny jeans and a black shirt with mickey ears he isn’t to excited about that but I think it will be really cute at least I’m not making him wear a tail, it could be worse. Last year my sister dressed my nephews as woody and buzz light year and it was so cute, I love when parents dress up their babies!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Scare tactics
I was sleeping peacefully, I thought I was dreaming actually, I felt a tingly feeling in my feet, almost as if someone was lightly scratching their nails on my toes, I felt hair swiftly move over them, at that moment I realized my bed was slowly sinking deeper at the end, as if someone was climbing on to it, my eyes shot open and I lay there as still as a soul, because my eyes were open and I still felt the indent I felt the hair, I didn’t dare look down I could not move. Someone or something was at the end of my bed, I was frozen I didn’t know what to do, whatever it was I’m sure it could hear my heart beating about 100 miles per hour. I just happened to look to the right into the mirror a little beam of light was shining in from my window right to the end of my bed, and I saw her, or it, in the reflection. I wasn’t really sure what to make of it, it was a pale white women she looked deathly sick with black surrounding her eyes, and long black hair that was touching me. she looked like she could have once been beautiful… when she was alive. As my eyes cast downward to see the rest of her body, I was frightened by what I saw, at the start of her hips where her legs should have been was replaced with a fish tail, the scales were black and it was horrifying she was awkwardly slanted on my bed, and then all of sudden my stomach growled as loud as it possibly could have and she was alerted. I wasn’t sure if she could see my face or new if I was asleep or not I couldn’t take my eyes of the mirror never in my life had I been so scared. She turned her head, and stared into the mirror as if she could see me looking at her, she said” hello Derek”. “You probably don’t remember me. I used to watch you when you were a little boy before your father took my home from me and built you a house”. I was so confused, when I was a young boy my father bought the land I live on, there was a pond, but he had it drained out and built my house right on top of where it had been, he was a wealthy man, he had to much money and didn’t know what to do with it. He had been so proud of it. I replied to her, hesitant as to what I should say, “I don’t know who you are”. She said, “Well I was once a beautiful mermaid who lived happily in a beautiful pond, with my sister. When you were younger you used to come and swim in it and I would watch you play, my name is Galena. And everything I had and was is gone now, it died along with me when your father dried out my pond. He saw my dead body. He saw me dry out into nothing but bones because I had no water, he did nothing, simply had me covered with dirt so that he could build this house over me, I’ve come back to return the favor”. I didn’t know what to say I was speechless and wished this was some twisted nightmare I could wake up from but I didn’t and all of the sudden I couldn’t breathe and water filled my lungs, but my body wasn’t wet, and nothing around me was either. And then I was...gone

Friday, October 17, 2014
keepin it real
3. Would you ever want to right for a newspaper?
I think it might be fun to write for a newspaper, I would want to write a gossip column so I could gossip about the latest things. I would also like writing an opinion column that way I could put my opinion into it. I took journalism last year and I was disappointed because I thought we would be able to put our feelings in our writing and you can’t, it’s not about what you think, and that’s my favorite part is inserting my own little touch of emotion.
17. What’s your perfect day?
My perfect day consist of no arguing with my mom, not having to work and either going shopping or sleeping or hanging out with my friends. Sleeping is one of my favorite things to do, and so is shopping. I love going to the mall and just looking around at what they have. Getting my nails would problem finish off that perfect day.
7. Can you fall in love with someone in three days?
I feel like you cant truly fall in love with someone in three days, I think you can fall in love with the idea of them, but you don’t really love them, three days doesn’t give you time to really really know them, I know that I can have different moods and act different ways in three days so your really only getting to see one real side of them, and might not even be real, fall in love with the idea of them then give it some time and fall in love with them completely.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Feelings (dream threads
One second I saw black and the next I was running, running mentally not physically, from everything and everyone. Running from the authority and power they seem to have over me. I want to be free, like Maya, but a different free, free from criticism free from all the things I’ve done wrong, free from people telling me what to do, free from the shock and pain of everything I’ve lost, and everything I don’t have to show for. I run, I run hard, I push limits with my words, I scream and I cry. I rebel with my attitude and I fight for the attention from my mom. And I know who I am, there is two of me, there’s the Allie you see and there’s the one hidden that only pain can bring. I call her Alexandrah because that’s really me. I’m used to the way she feels, almost comforting at this point. Her heart hurts and she gets frustrated, words spill out of her mouth fast. And there toxic. They come out meaning to hurt someone, and she yells at the top of her lungs, screams actually. Screams of the past the present and the future, and then the water works come, the tears the warm tears that roll down her face, pain, in liquid form. Searching for somewhere to go, only to roll off her cheek and soak back into her body, waiting to make another appearance. And when it’s all over she’s gone, not forever just until something brings her out. After I have to deal with the damage that’s been done. Apparently I’m not happy with myself. Its anger built up from other things, that I don’t know how to deal with. Some of it is but not all of it. I know what it is and only I do. I’m heartbroken and hurt and scared of everything. I know what I want, what I need, and what I want to be. But I can’t be free and I can’t fly like Maya if everyone is always trying to cut off my wings. To be dramatic I could say events that have taken place have probably traumatized me for life…
Monday, October 6, 2014
Pillow Talk
Pillows, I always have to have the right one to sleep with, I
have about eight pillows on my bed and only one of them is the perfect fit for
me, when I lay my head down on it, there is a sense of safety and comfort I feel
from it, I usually just lay there for a while and think, I have to give my mind
time to shut down, I usually think about all the things that worry me before I go
to sleep and I always map out how I’m going to fix whatever it is, I do this
every night, usually it’s the same issues, but every night I will contemplate what
I’m going to do until I think of something that calms me down enough to sleep. I
always hope for good dreams, but I also don’t like having really good dreams,
because when I wake up the realization that there not real, slaps me in the
face. I’ve woken up from a good dream before with my dad or my grandparents in
it, and cried, dreams play with your head, they give you illusions of things
that don’t exist, and I’m not emotionally strong enough to see my loved ones in
my dreams that aren’t here anymore and then wake up and be ok. Lately I haven’t
been remembering my dreams, I think it’s kind of weird, but I think it’s for
that reason, I might be having dreams of them I just don’t remember them when I
wake up because it hurts. It’s crazy how much power feelings have over you,
that you can feel them while you’re sleeping.

Venus and Mars
Venus layed next to mars
Recognizing his beauty, but also his arrogance
He was in his own world
Bathing in the sun with only a sheet to cover him
His skin was porcelain
It sparkled in the sun
The lines and edges of his body showed
They were strong and defined
He was a god.
Birth of Venus
She was beautiful, a different beautiful, earthly beautiful
They could tell she was different, that she wasn’t human
She was naked, her body was natural
The women was appalled and envious trying to cover her
Forgetting she was just born, and that everyone is born nude
Her skin was pale, and her bronze hair was long
She covered herself with it
She wasn’t born with innocence
She was a goddess.
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