Fairy flight is the name of a color, the color looks like lavander, its pale purple,my favorite color. When I have a little girl I want her room to be this color. When Iwas younger my room was lavander, I wish it still was. but since im on the topic of babies, I might as well tell you my vision for the future. By 25 I want to have a baby girl. Her name will be Rya Marie Taylor (and whatever my last name is). Rya comes from my middle name Ryanne. Its spelled Ryanne but pronounced Ryan. Marie was my grandmother on my dads sides name, and Taylor is my second oldest sisters name. She's actually pregnant right now and shes naming her Ataya Ryanne, after me!!!! Im so excited, anyways, I know that Rya Marie Taylor is a long name but I feel like it is fitting. She will be a beautiful little princess and she will get whatever she wants. If i have a boy his room will still be purple, ill make it work:)
What a sweet nursery--and sweet names you have chosen. My youngest sister's middle name is Lane Marie. I named my little boy Macauley Lane after her.