Maya Maya
Maya Angelou said the caged bird sings because that’s its cry to be free, it’s not singing because it’s happy its singing because it wants to be free. It doesn’t want to be imprisoned in a cage it wants to be free like it’s supposed to be so it can fly. I agree and understand her idea, it makes perfect sense. What person, thing or animal would want to be stuck in a tiny cage, and then sing of happiness? I agree that talking about bad dreams, bad things or bad news does give them too much power, I know that when I even think about things like that I go into too much detail, overthinking things and it worries me it has a certain power over me to make me stress more than I need to. If I don’t think about it or don’t talk about it, I forget about whatever it is, and it doesn’t have the same negative affect on me. I couldn’t go five years without talking. No matter what happened to me, I would have to speak whether it was talking about what had happened to me or just speaking in general, I would have to talk. If you don’t have anything else you always have your words, your mouth is the key to everything, it can change a situation or how you or someone else feels about something in a matter of seconds. I talk too much, all of the time my mouth gets me in trouble, only because I have no filter, if I feel a certain way then I voice it, I have trouble holding it back, but I understand sometimes you have to bite the bullet, I just never do. Listening is important to, you can learn a lot just by opening your ears. I’m not comfortable speaking in another language, I’ve taken French and Spanish and neither of them clicked with me at all, I can’t remember one thing from either class. I which I could speak French, I tried to understand it, it’s a beautiful language, I just can’t speak it. I remember everything, almost down to every last detail, if it happened I won’t forget it, for some reasons I seem to remember the bad things better than I remember the good, and sometimes if I’m thinking about it, I’ll have flashbacks of the exact moment. Maya is right, I feel like adults are close minded that’s why it’s harder for them to understand things about our generation, it’s harder for them to learn after 25, they think they already know everything they need to know so learning new things isn’t really important. Whenever I have something going on or I’m stressed about something I use list to occupy my small mind, if I make a list or a plan of how I’m going to figure out or fix the problem then it calms me down, if I have it mapped out. It’s weird but it helps me. I don’t really have distractions, if it’s on my mind then it’s there nothing really takes it away unless I quit thinking about it. My mind is weird.
I wouldn't say your mind is weird. : ) Or maybe it is, but I would think everyone else's is just as strange or more so. I understand your need to map out a plan to deal with your worries and I think that is a strong and proactive approach. Thanks for sharing your ideas here, Allie.