Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Seven Chairs

Help me, help me down, said the nun sitting in the floating chair, I don't know why im up here. what is wrong with this chair, she wasent at all afraid, she said it very sternly as if she was going to punish the chair when she got down, the children hiding behind the pillars watching didn't care, they thought it was rather funny that the old mean nun finally needed there help and they were not going to give it. she yelled again at the snickereing children trying to hide there laughter, "get me down, or get someone to get me down since none of you are obviously capable of doing it". The children ran away giggling all the way down the hall as if they had just accomplished the greatest thing in the world but also knowing they would pay for it later, but that didn't matter because as of now the mean old nun was still floating in the air and had no way to catch them.


Lost in my own fairytale world


College. That was the headline that caught my attention, considering that it’s not that far away, less than a year, I have mixed feelings and opinions on it, I’m also very confused on what I want to do, I’m not sure if I should go to college or do what I want to do, which is cosmetology school. My mom wants me to go to college and get a degree, but I just feel like college isn’t right for me, it’s already hard enough for me to manage high school, and the classes I’m taking aren’t even hard. I have trouble focusing on things that I’m not interested in, I’m genuinely interested in hair and makeup and nails, so I know I’ll catch on really quick. Everyone always tells me that hairstylist don’t make a lot of money, and I’m sure by now you know that I desire the green paper. That’s why I’ve mastered up this whole plan of how I’m going to become wealthy and a well-known hairstylist, ill save that for another post, but back to college, that’s why I don’t want to go. Plus I don’t know what I would major in, I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Famous first and last lines

I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story. That’s the first line from Ethan Frome written by Edith Wharton born January 24 1862 in new York city, and died august 11 1937 in France. Edith Wharton was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, short story writer, and designer. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927, 1928 and 1930. The book Ethan frome is about a man who has a very sick wife, she is mean and ungrateful and makes his life miserable, her cousin comes to live with them to help out and Ethan and her end up falling in love, it sounds like a book that I would like so maybe I will read it sometime. My last line was are there any questions? Written by Margaret Atwood, born in November 18 1939 Ottawa Canada, the book is about a talented artist that goes searching for her missing father, I think I would like the book because it is a mystery thriller, and I like books that keep leading me and keep me in suspense


I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases each time it was a different story. Depending on who it was whether it was my grandparents, my parents my sisters or my aunts and uncles it’s always different, always. I was too young to remember, I remember little pieces but nothing more. Sometimes I think that nobody really knew what went on not even my parents and they were the main characters in the story. But somehow my four year old self wound up out of the hands of my parents and into the hands of about four different foster parents.  But there’s a happy. That sentence probably made no sense but it will later, just have to wait. Of course from the parents point of view it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be, and from my grandparents point of view it was the alcohols fault and from my sisters point of view it was all my mom’s fault and from my Aunts point of view it doesn’t really matter what happened because in the end I ended up having a great life. I always used to search for the truth, the people who know won’t tell and the people who don’t know think they do. Confusion and mess pretty much sums up the whole situation. But here’s how it looked threw my eyes, my parents, weren’t capable of putting me before other things in their life and I got taken away. My dad. That’s a whole other story, that sometimes I still get lost in, everyone has those people in their life that they put up on a higher pedestal than they should be on, for me my dad was that person, and he was that person for my sisters as well, wanting and needing him to be someone he wasn’t, and that’s how they formed there warped opinion it wasn’t his fault.  Luckily my grandparents rescued me. And that’s exactly how it happened. I lived with them from four till I was thirteen and both of them had passed. When I was with them I got to do things I probably never would have gotten to do, and that’s where my aunts point of view comes in, I was spoiled, got everything I wanted and got to do things they never did, jealousy is and was a key role in helping them form there opinion to. That’s the happy, not the ending just the happy, the ending isn’t here yet, now I live with my mom, the past still slithers its way back in I try to let it in to find out answers but my mom pushes it back down the hole it came out of. It’s not really dinner conversation. Are there any questions?

Friday, September 12, 2014


When I read I have to be very comfortable, I love reading when its rainy it puts me in the perfect mood just laying on my bed underneath my fuzzy Marylin Monroe blanket with my lamp on, listening to the rain hit the window right by my bed. I like a lot of different genres, I like love stories, and I like books about magic and people having powers, I especially like dystopian novels, about the future world with different society’s then the one we live in, I like spy books to. My favorite book in the world, is the eternal ones, everything about that book enticed me, It’s about this girl who realizes she’s lived in other lives and she has a lover in each life and in every life he finds her and they end up together but one of them always ends up dying young because of another man, he is evil, he’s not human either, and he is obsessed with her and always tries to ruin what she has with her true love. It’s so mysterious and it doesn’t tell you anything at the beginning you have to keep reading to find out what’s going on, there is a sequel and it’s good as well. My first teacher I can remember actually teaching me about reading was actually named Mrs. Reed. she was the best teacher in the world, she generally cared about her students and she loved books, and she loved reading to us and encouraged us to read out of our comfort zone, the first book I remember reading was a verse out of the bible, I lived with my grandparents from the time I was 4 till I was 13 my grandfather was a preacher and I remember my grandma sitting down with me every night before I went to sleep and having a devotion I had to read a verse every night, so that’s the first book that was ever in my head. When I finished reading my favorite book I was sad because I didn’t want it to be over I didn’t want it to end, I wanted to read on about her living with her true love and them adventuring into another life together. I don’t think I would ever write a book just because it’s not something I aspire to do.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Maya Maya

Maya Angelou said the caged bird sings because that’s its cry to be free, it’s not singing because it’s happy its singing because it wants to be free. It doesn’t want to be imprisoned in a cage it wants to be free like it’s supposed to be so it can fly. I agree and understand her idea, it makes perfect sense. What person, thing or animal would want to be stuck in a tiny cage, and then sing of happiness? I agree that talking about bad dreams, bad things or bad news does give them too much power, I know that when I even think about things like that I go into too much detail, overthinking things and it worries me it has a certain power over me to make me stress more than I need to. If I don’t think about it or don’t talk about it, I forget about whatever it is, and it doesn’t have the same negative affect on me. I couldn’t go five years without talking. No matter what happened to me, I would have to speak whether it was talking about what had happened to me or just speaking in general, I would have to talk. If you don’t have anything else you always have your words, your mouth is the key to everything, it can change a situation or how you or someone else feels about something in a matter of seconds. I talk too much, all of the time my mouth gets me in trouble, only because I have no filter, if I feel a certain way then I voice it, I have trouble holding it back, but I understand sometimes you have to bite the bullet, I just never do. Listening is important to, you can learn a lot just by opening your ears. I’m not comfortable speaking in another language, I’ve taken French and Spanish and neither of them clicked with me at all, I can’t remember one thing from either class. I which I could speak French, I tried to understand it, it’s a beautiful language, I just can’t speak it. I remember everything, almost down to every last detail, if it happened I won’t forget it, for some reasons I seem to remember the bad things better than I remember the good, and sometimes if I’m thinking about it, I’ll have flashbacks of the exact moment. Maya is right, I feel like adults are close minded that’s why it’s harder for them to understand things about our generation, it’s harder for them to learn after 25, they think they already know everything they need to know so learning new things isn’t really important. Whenever I have something going on or I’m stressed about something I use list to occupy my small mind, if I make a list or a plan of how I’m going to figure out or fix the problem then it calms me down, if I have it mapped out. It’s weird but it helps me. I don’t really have distractions, if it’s on my mind then it’s there nothing really takes it away unless I quit thinking about it. My mind is weird.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lilac Lover

L ovely and
U nusually pale, but touched with a little color
S he is a girl, a
C alm girl
In and
O ut the levels of my shade can go
U p or down
S oothing it can be sometimes

L uxurious but
I ndesisve, just
L ilac the call me most of the time
A lexandrah’s favorite
C olor

Ireland grean

My birthstone is an Emerald the color of May they are dark green. There very pretty but probably wouldn’t be someone’s first choice if we got to choose our birthstones. I like it though. It reminds me of Ireland, I have Irish in me, my great grandmother on my mom’s side was born in Ireland, and when I was in fifth grade my grandparents took me there, we flew into Dublin and then made our way North East to Ballywalter which was where she was born, we stayed there in a cottage hotel. It was like an inn kind of. Ballywalter is a very small town. In the outskirts of the cities in Ireland literally everywhere you look is green. Fields and fields of just really green grass with sheep or hay in them, its beautiful, it looks just like the movies. That’s why my birthstone reminds me of it, when I see dark green I think Ireland, and it always reminds me of a side of my ethnicity that I sometimes seem to forget.

Fairy Flight

Fairy flight is the name of a color, the color looks like lavander, its pale purple,my favorite color. When I have a little girl I want her room to be this color. When Iwas younger my room was lavander, I wish it still was. but since im on the topic of babies, I might as well tell you my vision for the future. By 25 I want to have a baby girl. Her name will be Rya Marie Taylor (and whatever my last name is). Rya comes from my middle name Ryanne. Its spelled Ryanne but pronounced Ryan. Marie was my grandmother on my dads sides name, and Taylor is my second oldest sisters name. She's actually pregnant right now and shes naming her Ataya Ryanne, after me!!!! Im so excited, anyways, I know that Rya Marie Taylor is a long name but I feel like it is fitting. She will be a beautiful little princess and she will get whatever she wants. If i have a boy his room will still be purple, ill make it work:)